Photo Shoot for a VW Calendar...

And I will kick you in the balls. :slight_smile:

Anyway, nice pics. I like the first two pics the best. :tup:

X2 Do not.

I have a soft spot for Gti’s. Your the girl that went to Canisius while I was going there cuz I remember always seeing you buzzing around campus in it- I drove the red M3. Car looks clean.

The plate makes it. :slight_smile: What kind of wheels are those?


Zauber Dish II
only 3 piece set in the states.

8" F et 33
9.5" R et 38

15mm adapters all around.

I personally love how the staggered wheels look on mk4s…

BUT, my brain won’t allow it,because I know it’s WRONG.

It’s kind of like checking out a 17 yr old girl. It looks so good, but you know it’s very wrong to do.

But all and all, I really like this car! looks good

HAHA Well put :slight_smile:

checking out 17yr olds is NOT wrong

ugh…all that wheel and no where near enough tire…what a waste. I’d have 275s/315s on that bitch.

Did it.

Unfortunately I’ll still be there this year. Ugh, I’m sure I’ve seen your car just can’t remember.

LOL once it’s bagged I’m sure I’ll run even smaller tires. :mamoru:

No1 understands the Euro thing lol

Yeah, I will never understand doing a mod that makes your car perform worse. I thought this was nySPEED, not nyStandAroundAndLookAtMyCarInTheParkingLot.

I like the car with the exception of the wheel/tire combo.

Its not unforunate… enjoy it, I wish I was going back this year :frowning:

i love those wheels kait, if you dont mind me asking… how much did they run

needs a rusted hood and a europlate to achieve its full suck potential…

If that was the mentally of this site we’d all have bikes…cuz god knows cars are slow as fuck :wink:

Look at the SG and Mighty threads…all those “fast” cars in a parking lot…haha

the car and the owner look good. thumbs up for a girl being into cars and knowing what shes talking about.

Shes out and about tonight Brett.
But they are real rare…she got them on the cheap, but theyre worth much more now that I refinished them

“speed” is relative, because I’m sure I’m faster in the snow than you are :wink: