Photo Shoot for a VW Calendar...

word they look really good
though tyler had a good point, it would be funny to reverse the wheels, almost the 500hp hondas rolling around

Maybe in wny, theres 2 sets of them for sale right now on zilvia forums.
Nice Pics! clean car!

Of 3 piece Dish II’s?

edit: before i start looking to prove Im right…theyre probably all Dish I’s that are 2 piece and the spokes are completely different

link plz either way

If I wanted a fast car I wouldn’t have bought a volkswagen. Sooner than later this thing will just be a show piece and I’ll have a fun all year DD. I understand where you’re coming but for now she’s my pride and joy.

Thanks brett! I see Dan already answered you, but for wheels they were pretty cheap. They were real haggard last year.

DING DING DING :stuck_out_tongue:

Are you talking about these?

They’re different. :wink:

Because it makes no sense whatsoever. I’ve taken a little break from the “euro scene” for a bit due to my frustration with it.

My next euro will probably have staggered wheels… from the factory.

Not a big fan of VW’s at all but that is a hot car. :tup:

I haven’t read too many threads on NYspeed lately, so I missed this the first time around.

:tup: to submitting a photo for a calendar. I did one for a Porsche calendar that was sold for the Rennwish charity, and it was hands down the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done.

The photos look great, and so do you!



:tup: Keepin it clean.

i’m pretty sure silver is a girl so it’s allowed.

I feel like I see you at the Amherst BAC every now and again. Never the car though, so maybe not?

lol. doubtful.

yes she is.

please no rusted hood.