photo shop request-delete writing

i want to use this pic to make a poster maybe someone can remove the company logo in the pic and possibly the background. well whatever would look good. any help appreciated thanx

OH god the cramping in my hand ugh!! Im taking some painpills and takin a nap, might give that second pic and try it when the cramping subsides!

Any chance you could do some more photoshop work to make the car look less hideous??? Just curious…

im not a miracle worker

What was so hard about that?

That was funny right there.

fuzzy and I back to back again.


We need someone to take the stance of an indifferent snowman.

how about switching the upper/lower?Like a dolly parton look?Maybe a black one w/ white facial.

The look isn’t a problem, we just need more to do it. I could make a ton of minor variations.

nice…thanks take it u dont like the kaze 3000gt

So much better…