Photographers- Need some help!

I’m taking a photography class this semester, and i have everything either printed or have a developed negative waiting to be printed except for 1 picture- a depth of field picture. this would be something like a fence or railroad tracks or something where close is blurry, middle is in focused, and far away is blurry

i need a negative to develop, i simply dont have the time to shoot another roll, develop, and print while still being able to print everything i need for my final portfolio.

it must be in black and white, and a negative copy, no digital (i know, wish me luck)


I took a b/w 35mm photography class a few years back but unfortunately do not have anything that would match your criteria.


Strictly digital here, sorry.

Paging Micah

I have a couple of rolls of B&W negs that need to be developed, but no offense I’m not even sure what’s on which of them at this point and I don’t want them destroyed by a n00b.

It’s really not that hard / time consuming, jesus, go shoot stuff… If that’s too much work perhaps a photog class isn’t for you?

no i dont think you understand, ive developed about 6 rolls, and i have 2 working classes left in the semester (tomorrow and tues) developing takes about a whole class, i dont have the time to develop and finish my prints. i have to have 20 or so pics in my portfolio i have about 15 done. it would be super helpful. i just never got around to shooting a depth of field. i do have something i could use, but wanted to see if anyone had a neg i would be better off using. thanks for the assumptions though