Photoshoot 11-1-06

Incorrect. You are on an automotive forum, unfortunately, where people have opinions that differ, and have different forum posting ettiqette. I don’t like the way those rims look on the car personally, and I choose to say it in that way. The rest of the shoot looks good.

You arguing and telling people to stfu and respect other people’s stuff = same thing as people saying that those rims are ugly.

The thing is, there are people out there who don’t like my car, who think my choice of whatever is ugly. Oh well - i shrug it off and ignore it. Justin however, decided to “appear” to blow a gasket and “TYPE IN ALL CAPS, TELLING SOMEONE TO GO FUCK THEMSELVES” which in turn brings himself and this thread into a lower level.

Whatever, the pictures are nice, the location is nice. If you are happy with your car, who cares what other people say? just ignore it.