Had the day off, so I figured I would wash my 04 STI and take some pictures beause I haven’t taken many since I got the car. Hope you guys like them, I’m no pro but I tried my best, let me know what you think. Thanks.
Had the day off, so I figured I would wash my 04 STI and take some pictures beause I haven’t taken many since I got the car. Hope you guys like them, I’m no pro but I tried my best, let me know what you think. Thanks.
nice :tup:
Love it.
Baller exhaust.
STi will be my next car
love it
The only one worth posting is the one you screwed up and posted the thumbnail for…wtf?
Just a few tips,
For a good picture, always have the wheels turned AWAY from the camera, unlike the 2nd pic, noone likes to see tire tread.
Ever hear of the rule of 3rds? if not, google it.
I’m def no pro, just going by what I heard.
P.S, love the car, I’ve always loved wrxs, my friend just bought chinos sti, I love how RAW the car feels compared to mine.
thanks for the advice, never knew that
i like to see tread.
sedlmeier with the photo advice wow!
Like I said, I’m not a pro, not even an amateur, more of a beginner than anything, just throwing out some tips I use.
No front plate FTW, looks so much better. Take off the S U B A R U emblems on the rear and the impreza and just leave the STi one.
buy my grand prix
haha thanks bro but i already got ashitty winter beater thanks
why does everyone say no to driving an awd vehicle in winter? thats like people bitching because i drive my 30th in the rain. OMGNOTWATERLIKEIUSETOWASHMYCAR!!?!?!?! man up beat the hell out of the car an enjoy it.
ummmm water doesnt rot the car away, salt does. if he has a winter beater, why not rock it, rather than destroy his car in the salt.