Photoshop guys...

I have a full color image I want to turn into monochrome.

How do i do it?


It has to be black on white.

(I only have PS elements… :frowning: )

Desaturate it, click colorize, adjust the hue?

Download GIMP

Open image

Image menu → Mode → Indexed…

In the window that appears (“Indexed Color Conversion”), choose “Use black and white (1-bit) palette,” then hit OK.

is gimp free?

I have Adobe CS2 if you want it. Full crack.



Converted to 1bit

Perfect, that’s exactly what i need. THANKS!

Also, awesome pic. lol.


When you save it make sure you choose the BMP or a extension that supports 1 bit color maps. If you save it as the default JPEG it will convert it to greyscale.

If i convert it to 1 bit and want to see how it looks in 2 different colors, how do I do that?

Like take the black and make it orange and the white will be green…

got what you were looking for i see but if you want CS4 lmk. ill hook ya up.

I’m at work, I can’t put illegal SW on here.

Well the 1 bit color is only black and white (bit = binary = on/off).

If you wanna do something like this you need to select use custom palate and pick the two colors you want (orange and white) to have the image only show up in two colors.

Awesome, that works perfectly!

great test pic lol