Photoshop guys...

I’ve been working on a design for a shift sticker for the Z. I came up with the following but I don’t know how to make the background transparent… Does any know how to make the background transparent and wouldn’t mind doing a quick photoshop on the image? I should be able to print off a few from my pc.

looks transparent to me?

I think I saved it with a white background so when I print it on clear “paper” the white will print with the actual logo.

ahhh i see, so it prints white.i think theres a setting where you can copy it and set whatever you want so the background is clear

I just figured it out. The magic erase tool erases the background when you click on it. lol

That or you can make a new one and select transparent as teh background color, or if you look on the righthand side under layers you can do it there as well

the file has to remain a photoshop extention… if you save the file as anything other then that it will print out white… every time ive saved a file with a transparent background as a jpg the fucker saves the background as white… even if you erase it and then save it… so do the printing while its still a photoshop file and not a bitmap or jpeg etc etc… thats what has always worked for me anyways… but im useing version 6.0 not cs2

Yep you’re right about that. Good thing I saved a copy in .pdf format as well just in case.

Wish I had photoshop :sad

Theres a free 30 day trial of CS3 on or you can DL a torrent if you’re feeling lucky