Photoshop help v. I'm going to hell...

This thread is really dropping the ball. It has so much potential.

still holding…

He should really have better taste in who he marries… EWWW

i will dive deep into my secret PS lab and come up with some dastardly chops later!

dear god


I cant stop laughing at this one.

OMG ROFL @ Newman

who did your tat, man, id like to get something like that for sure.




god damn. that is possibly the best thing ever.

wow. just wow. amazing. hahahahaha :lol:

wow with the middle schools being vacant, you DO have alot of time on your hands. Keep yer head up though, the boys go back in a few weeks.

lmafo good job guys A+++

if you were insinuating that i touch little boys, wouldn’t i have MORE time on my hands when they WERE in school?



no, i would think youd prefer to pick them out while they were all in one place, like shottin fish in a barrel.