Photoshop help v. I'm going to hell...

i’m sure you meant “shooting”.
you’re just not doing a very good job of burning newman… probably time to give up, or at least think about giving up.

lol great chops the containment one i think is the best

thank you i need to laugh that hard. have not in a long time!

jeezus. lol

what an idiot.

doing the work from home thing today so I can open more than one picture at a time :slight_smile: :smiley:

this killed all of 18 seconds…

This one is good :slight_smile:

+karma ( if i have it )



newman, holy shit. hahahahaha

Dude!!! The bitch violated my dog wtf?!


It’s not actually my dog. But my dog looks pretty much like the one in the pic.


Oh my god ahahaha

o my god I am crying from lololo…

oh wow lol

byebye work safe lol