Photoshop help v. I'm going to hell...

This definiatley just turned into a NSW Thread with that last picture… I know because I am at work, and someone freaked out…

all fun and games until you see someone sucking on a dog’s nuts.

Good Photo Chops though…


I don’t have photo shop at home so this is the best i could do.


+karma for the new guy!

Goes to check who’s troll account that is.

thought I would add another…

now she looks like sting

I am actually new here. I was referred by my friend who is a longtime member here.

ahahahahahaa the fucking dog is so good. i was on a call and started laughing. i had to stop talking to the guy. lol funny part is i had to oem him after, he probably thought i was laughing because his shit was messed up. lol
