I am trying to make some pixel cars in my extra time, bc i have nothing better to do. I just wanted to know if someone could help me, i am new to all of this.
its easy as pisss! you dont need PS just ms paint
Can i come up one day and you teach me?
Cant you just go chase girls like all the other guys your age…
I do, but i just want to pick this up as one of my hobbies
google is your friend…
there is no good tutorials that i can find
Here is what came up with
thats not yours don’t lie…newb…
^^ haha
wow, i really like the work you did.
the way you added that P I T T… ect you know?
Smartass, I did all the mods, paint, lowered, and the pittspeed.com
only if you bring beer and swallow
jokes but bring the beer and i got ya!
Dont lie to me Zac…i’ll send Paul to reap the ass whoopin’ i shoulda given you the day i saw you out quip. You couldn’t even lower that honduh or whatever it was and kept IM’ing me about it…
seriosuly though. the kid aint too bad. i bet with a few beers in him he’d be a cool dude.
he wants to learn.
none of you fuckers wanted to teach him just like none of you wanted to help me. so i learned on my own. so ill be a good guy and teach this kid.
Thanks jim
15 = no beers
Correct, me no drinky
Wait, pixel cars is a hobby?
Learning on your own>being taught