Photoshop Ow3ns me....logo help

Hey guys…I suck at design and photoshop…a horrible combination when trying to desgin a logo…was hoping I could get some help.

Found this logo on the net…was hoping to change it a bit and make it part of my website.

Heres a couple things Im looking for:

  1. Simple and Marketable, printable in B&W or color and still look good

  2. Thinking og having a knights sword down the middle

Shoot me ur designs if u guys got time…winner will win 2 free sessions of their choice in our 2006 season

Thanks in advance


I could DRAW you an amazing logo but i dont have photoshop. If that will do, let me know.

Is this the driftkings logo from a while back?? If so, do you still want the words driftkings as part of the final design?? I might have one of the guys at work whip up a few this week.

Lemme know…I’m kinda bored so I should have some time to help.

For Photoshop, mikeness is your man (or midget depending on how tall you are).

I’m 4’3" ALL MAN.

Illustrator should be used for this NOT photoshop. (Vectored output for stickers and other stuff… blah blah)

Kendrick msg or msn me, logo samples > (on some of the pdf pages)


Mikeness – dude, your sh!t is super clean.

As a guy that works in marketing I see a lot of artwork and have to give you credit for the work you have done so far.

Keep it up!!

first off, if it’s a logo, you don’t want photochop, you want a vector, meaing corel or illustrator.

advatages od a vector are it’s not resolution dependant. MEaning it doesn’t rasterize like a image in photochop will.

do it right the first time.

Wow…got some really cool submissions so far…winner will be decided at the end of next week.

Man u guys are talented…why was I born with no creative mind?
