LOGO design?

I want to start working on a logo to have some vinyl cut because I don’t feel like spending $75/hr for someone to design me something. I have some time and would like to do it myself. I know how to use Photoshop reasonable well, but is there a better program I should use or is there a program that is more acceptable to a vinyl graphics place. I have Illustrator, Corel, and the whole studio MX suite.


You want to use a vector based program (like illustrator) so you can make the logo any size.

I prefer Corel, just because that’s how I learned. I feel the node-editing is easier to understand how you’re effecting a curve. I don’t like the pen editing in Illustrator and Photoshop.

:word: Don’t use Photoshop, at least not for your final logo design. You can take your logo into Photoshop to spice it up for a Web site or something, but don’t consider a logo made in Photoshop to be “done.” It won’t be able to be sent for vinyl cutting, and it won’t scale nicely.

You gonna pay someone here?

illistrator is good for that shit…i am a good hand drawer if u want some shit…i wotn charge

just not a very good speller eh. Kick it old school and hand draw a logo. that does not get done very often anymore.

Pretty much everything I do is handdrawn before it gets to photoshop.

werd t-nail sketches.

CAD nukka 3d an shit.

naaaaa…CAD isnt good for that type of stuff…it can be done of course…but u can get way better effects on a Graphic design program such as illustrator…or my hand drawings…

my father uses signlab, corel, photoshop, and illustrator.

they seem to get the job done.

:tup: Illustrator

To cut the vinyl or design the graphic, I was asking cause I would like to fart around with it myself cause only I know what I really want. I have most of these programs just trying to figure out which is the best to use. Also what is vector based, and what is photoshop?

Photoshop is raster (little pixels or dots). Vector is when you create curves and points, like in Illustrator, Corel Draw, and Freehand (maybe some others).