who uses Adobe Pshop or Indesign or Illustrator?

i use pshop cs3 of course…

with advertising i know they also use indesign and illustrator, i ahvent used either of these yet, but would like to in case its ever needed, but what are the main advantages of those programs over photoshop if you are designing images, layouts, ads, etc…

ive done some readon on adobe.com but i see features of those progs that i think, oh i could do that in pshop… but i know theres more to it, anyone that uses illustrator or indesign ona regular basis pleaseee chime in . thX


Did you get the program working btw?

i still have not figured out how to get it to work for me. i dunno i need you to come help me install it mcell. when i try to copy them it loads the main page or like the start thing of it but then it does nothing but have some error screen

i havent tried Indesign yet… but it didnt have an EXE file like the others, well i already told u this… JDM - did u try installin Indesign?

Illustrator = Vector art. Useful for all sorts of things like logo design using spot colors, overprints, vinyl cutting and design, etc. Exportable as AutoCad .dxf and .dwg files. Vector art is infinitely scaleable meaning you will never lose resolution no matter how big you scale it. This is the program for logo design, you can always raster (convert vector to pixels or a bitmap) from Illustrator.

Indesign is a page layout program. It’s main advantage over creating layouts in Photoshop is that you can link to files creating a layout which allows you to modify pages without the massive filesize of loaded images. Plus, you can then export proofs and other layouts, insert pages, etc. Dedicated page layout program.

Photoshop obviously is a bitmap editor. Not good for commercial logo creation or printing as everything will have a set res.

What’s nice is Adobe bought up Macromedia, and incorporated a lot of their programs features and functionality into their products.

cool thanks, i want so much more experience in illus and Indesign if i want a career in advertising/creative design/art direction

definitely give illustrator a try :tup: It’s a great program

I have no experience with InDesign, but I assume it’s like Quark Xpress (another great program IMO… used it alot back when I was taking graphic design at ECC)

yea ive heard that some agencies are phasing out Quark and using Indesign now, well, one girl i know at an agency told me that

makes sense I guess. might as well use one suite of software, opposed to a bunch of them.

I think I still have my quark and illustrator text books… if I can find them, you can have them

They are. Indesign also is phasing out Pagemaker, which was a program Adobe bought from a company called Aldus in the early nineties.


They are. Indesign also is phasing out Pagemaker, which was a program Adobe bought from a company called Aldus in the early nineties.


lol no shit… I remember using that program waaaay back in the day in Shafers class

if you want a legal copy with all the functionality of illustrator. and dont want to shell out your xbox 360 money.

try http://inkscape.org/

scaleable vector graphics. OPensource. win.


I work at an ad agency, and my boyfriend is the creative director for a different marketing company…

We both agree that you HAVE to learn illustrator ASAP if you want a real design job. As other people have said, vector images are a MUST in many many many instances like print and logos.

10-4 silver

Micah, I can’t believe you haven’t contacted me if you wanted an advertising job