Photoshop people please help me out

I have an icon for my app that I need to look better/re-designed and I need them in 2 sizes 114x114 and 512x512. If someone could make it look better especially at higher resolution that would be a big help, im not really photoshop savvy

app Icon:


It’s 280x280 now, so your best bet is to redo the icon at the highest resolution you’ll need. 512x512 is pretty big, what do you need it that big for?

because amazon app store is fucking retarded, I put out an update for my app in there and they will not accept the update until I have something the correct size

I think the 512x512 is strictly for the web site and doesn’t appear on a device.

best bet is to redesign it as a vector - meaning you can resize it to whatever you want it to be and not lose any resolution. Illustrator is good for that.