Physics Question of the day # 2

I am sitting in a boat in a swimming pool. There is a heavy rock in my boat. I carefully mark the water line on the tiles of the swimming pool. I then throw the rock over board. Will the water line go up, or down, or will it stay the same.

What the fuck are you doing with a boat in a swimming pool?

The rock will slice the liner, you will be sitting in a boat in an empty pool, and your neighbors will be looking at you very oddly.

fuck you

what’s the density of the rock?

Down, fggt. Mass displacement vs volume displacement.

Unless you’re playing with pumice or something fruity like that. I’m assuming the rock is pretty dense.



Only OG will get this

:lol:@ Pumice

Pumice T pic nails the thread save!

+1 woooooord

AMAZING responses… lol @ pumice and all the other comments

too many unknowns…

water line will go down because the while the rock is in the boat…the boat displaces the rocks weight, which is assumed to have a higher specific gravity than water (assuming the rock sinks in water). the amount of water that’s displaced by the rocks weight is greater then the rocks volume.

when the rock is in the water, only the volume of the rock is displaced, therefore the water line will go down.

a sheep will float.

+karma for the only real and actual answer

ok, lets say you had a lead ball that was 2ft in diameter it weighed 200 lbs… and you had the same size ball made of aluminum… it weighed 5 lbs… both would sink and displace the same amount of water when thrown overboard… assuming they didnt land outside of the pool :lol:, however, when in the boat, the amount of mass that the said balls have would NOT displace a the same amount of water.

therefore it depends on mass/density/ etc etc… multiple variables.


Lead is now 40 times more dense than aluminum?

^No the aluminum ball is hollow. :smiley:
(Of course then it might float.)

Lead weighs whatever the hell it wants.

I just built a 12ft canoe, no joke. I say we test this in someones pool.