Picked up my Exige... HEAD UNIT INSTALLED!!!

but the first time some ricer with a fartcan pulls from you at the light…

I know what you mean. I am going back in the other direction though. Driving more than 50% in your “not as nice car” seems like a waste.


you need color assistance?

it’s fucking orange

:tup: nice car man…

Rear panel delete, exhaust, CF diffuser and tow hook installed…

kinda did my own thing w/ the hook… Pics kinda stink but it looks BURLY AS FUCK. I love the rear panel delete!!! Also, all the fasterners for the rear diffuser were replaced w/ 1/4 turn fasteners for quick removal!


HaHa Makes for an easy exhaust instal huh ?

how hot does it get back there?? will you have a issue with the plate … ?


On my elise, when i built the custom exhaust, I bolted the plate right to the muffler. LOL.

no shit … well don’t put on your sweet “I <3 Rainbows” plastic plate frame on I think that shit will not end well

cut out?

no cut out. :frowning:

Looks great with the rear diffuser delete, very nice.

Looks sharp :tup:

def need to see some better pictures to grasp the full effect the exhaust, that or a sound clip…i cant decide until you produce either. make it happen!

Hows it sound, is it noticeable?

Not bad Mr.Newman. Deffinitely digging the ass end of the car with the difuser

I haven’t started it yet, but i heard it’s as loud as a straightpipe.

Nice, need a car to sound as good as it looks. Any plans for diff. rims?

WTF get on it!! Even if its 1:30 in the am. Only the weak need sleep

Super hot. I wish I could get a rear diffuser that sexy for less than a grand. =\

What’s the panel delete do besides look exotic? Better airflow?

Looks awesome.

What size rims are on that? They look like eighteen inch. They look huge but it could just be the wheel proportion of the car height. How tall is the car?

EDIT: It may be the Black Rim/Tire combo. Have you thought about breaking it up? I actually like the polished lip on my black wheels for this reason.

After (Rough Sketch):

You can try it temporarily if you go to Autozone/Carquest and pick up some White Pinstriping. Just a Thought.