Pics and Video from Nov 8th Fabi Drift Day.

God Bless Santiago Gomez. Thanks for the pics dude, love em…love it when someone gets photos of me, i’m so used to getting shafted as I’m the one normally shooting. hahha.

I know he got some dope photos of lots of guys.

I got some Pics in the pits, and a couple videos. Didn’t quite get everyone :/:
I was more focused on driving. lulz.

It was quite the trip

loaded up and ready to go!

Gas station pics.

Got to whitby… then the truck’s CPS fucked off.

Got it towed to the dealership… 5 hours later my brother showed up with the backup truck

which he decided to sleep in, instead of the hotel.
Hotel SON lurking
Kev arrived at 5:30am
warming up!
what you know about 15-18 stagger!
tire cords fucked his CV

Such a good day!!!

where is this video? or is this just a to put your shit in this thread?

Yeah, just post whatever you got. Nov. 8th media thread.

lol, sick pics.

Mark’s pics are a storyline of his day. lol

I’m pretty sure videos take a little while.

This is a put your shit in this thread.

Just for some fun memories. Same place, SAME CORNER, different toys. hahahhahahah. It’s my goal for whatever pic i see from now on to match it with a pic from my bike as well. ahhaha.

I’ve always loved the Fabi.

(I’m the dude in the wheelie.)

^^^thats awesome dude

thanks man. Its definitely good times. I sometimes feel I know my way around SMP better than Toronto. hahaha. :slight_smile: I’ve left bits of my car and bike all over that track.

I also punctured a lung in a motorcycle wreck at turn 6 fabi. (The right hander after the double lefts at Fabi) That was fun. :slight_smile:

The best part was, I earned the nick name, “One Lung Fung” right after, ahhaha, my brother automatically became known as “Two Lung Fung”

oh man that looks like soooo much fun…cant wait till next year…lol i wanna see if i have the “drifting” potential:P…dont know how well the ka24de’s drift but ill give it a try:P

Anything RWD and manual with an LSD will drift. ANYTHING!

fixed that for ya ronnie. haha

sooo im gonna have to weld the diff then??? lol might have to get someone from here to do that for me:P…no welding experience here and i dont even know what to weld up:P…so when the time comes i might have to give someone a case of beer to do it for me:P

Don’t weld the diff unless you want a car that sucks for EVERYTHING except drifting.

Your car will be FINE for drifting. Just lower it.

Stock everything with a VLSD is fine. Just ask any of the good drifters!

would mine have a VLSD in it or do i have to find one and buy it???

Trying to take a corner with a welded diff is like a shopping cart lapping the isles…its only smooth if you slide.


^^^^ absolutly love this car and the kit thats on it!!!

yours has one. If it’s a 91 and up which it looks like.

Don’t weld unless you really don’t give a fuck about handling.

Weld away if you wanna drift everywhere. hahaha. Don’t get me wrong, i’d love a welded for a drift day but VLSD for the other 99 percent of the time i drive. :slight_smile:

Best of both worlds, save up and get yourself a good 2 way diff later on, for now, you’re going the right way, do your suspension, brakes and then go drift!!! then as soon as you can, get some power! you think you’ll love your car now…wait till it’s turbo…it makes it an actual good car at that point!