pics and videos from the evo-wrx shootout in norwalk

shep’s 7 second talon
(they played horrid 80’s music so i had to cover bg noise with something)

ams’s record breaking 9.1 run

and tons of pics here:

i still have ALOT of video to edit and i’ll have it all up soon… all i gotta say is… suby’s got it HANDED to them!!! nothing better than 11.5. hopefully if we keep talking smack on the sti’s more will show up next year… prepared :slight_smile:



looks like a good time man.

what did you trap @?

what were you 60-foot times?

did you break anything like you thought you were gonna?

Yea. The clutch gave out first launch exactly as I feared. We still had a great time and without being able to launch the car or shift high the Evo still took second place and some cash.

Very nice :tup:


Very cool!

Great Job ! and very nice pics too :tup:


Nice Pics

and Holy S$#@ that turbo looks like the destroyer of worlds for a street car…

At least it wasn’t the tranny or x-fer case… :wink:

Where is the race between you and the guy who works for Buschur?

I’ll send it to ya.

less sendy. more posty!

nice pics. Evo’s = so hot.

I just dropped a load on this pic…uuuggghhh

Jarrod from Buschur was real cool with us and the vid is pretty one sided so I don’t want to post it. He said he was on low boost that night. His car went 11.0 the next morning so he gets a thumbs up from me. :slight_smile:

:tup: emery

nice evo :tup:

here’s a better race with jared after a bit more boost. pretty close. i had the camera in the backseat. he has the best looking white evo. love it!



sorry folks, i’ve been slackin. i’ll get on it soon enough though.

here’s a vid of the evo on a low boost street tune eating a z28 to hold you over though! lol
