[pics] Dunnville Autodrome - May 3rd

Had nothing better to do so I showed up for an hour to take some pics…

Also ran into a 430 Scuderia on my way there:

More pics and a few videos on my Flickr (flickr.com/ryancash).

If anyone wants to donate a DSLR to me… :smiley:

sick, u got a pic of my 240. Thanks! :slight_smile:

The 13 or the 14?

*edit looks @ sig…"

s13, the s14 is Wayne’s

Nice pics, Man. You might want to edit out the plate #s. Some people are sensitive about having them up on the www.

Ugh I know but it’s a huge pain in the ass. I’ll definitely edit or remove any pics that receive complaints – a lot of the people at the track had them covered, so I figure people without them covered are aware they may appear in photographs.

As for the Scuderia, he saw me taking pics and waved…

Less photoshop, more camera focus.

Looks like a nice turnout none the less.

Lots of nice cars. Too bad that Scuderia driver wasn’t heading to the track too, that would make for some awesome noises!

Figures that Ferrari was spotted in Oakville. Going up Ford drive to Dundas? Must have been coming from a house on the lake.

More better camera, less shitty point and shoot that can’t focus on moving cars.

Bang on.

Nice Pics

that dc2 and fd killed those shots KILLLLLLED <3

I’m selling one of my backups for cheap if interested. D70.

wow man what camera and lenses are u using,

430 scud!!!

omfg sex

that Ferarri is the one with No Radio in it right?

btw how much is it for the trackdays? i wanna bring the 240z out sooo bad

Nice pics :thumright:

there are at least 3 groups hosting track days with prices clearly listed in the event section.

Awesome! I wish I could’ve been there! Crap, those are some nice cars!