Pics from 1989 Toronto Auto Show

I will take an M3 and two 300zx’s please

I love how the NSX looks pretty much the same then as when they stopped production of it

Group-c cars are so hot

black 300z… hot.

i remember seeing the new zr-1 at the 1989 buffalo auto show when i was little

good find, man :slight_smile:

me too, dream car right there

5 boners up, seriously :tup:

awesome m6…mmmmmmmmmmmm

I would give my left nut for an E30M3

HAHAHAHAH look at all the jean jackets, I miss my jean jacket.

lol, canadian tuxedo FTL

no 5.0s or IROCS WTF!!!

no civic’s…ehh nice find :tup:

Could you imagine what a 0 mile E30 M3 would go for on ebay? I’d say $60K,
Only because I saw a <20,000 mile e36 m3 with a BIN for $43,000.00

someone just bought a 4k mile one for $38k


Great find!

Did u rock a canadian tuxedo? :headbang:

ohh the mullets, I wonder who pionered the mullet

Wow, BMW’s from when they didn’t look like a$$