Check This Out Guys..

Thoguht some may like to see this, Its pretty interesting, Basicaly a MR 300ZX…

Pretty neat, Kinda Ugly too… lol NSX, and a Ferrari Testerossa Mix?

That’s old news, and honda actually basically straight ripped off the mid-4’s design onto the nsx. Too bad it never saw the light, would have been an interesting car. Then again the skyline is pretty awesome in itself.

From the one photo that ive seen , it looks like ass. Similar to the MR2 Spyder.

id get one

i remember seeing pictures of it at the nissan warehouse thing.

ugly, but cool.

a while back i posted some stuff on that.

Meh, an NSX and a Testarossa mixed… It’s ugly and bland. Although a VG30DETT sorta makes up for it. But id rather get a 300ZX.

not to mention that thing was AWD!

AWD VG30, Thats sick. Besides its Fugly as balls