Pics from a ride in the Southern Tier (56K Beware)

thats also an old kawi… why would you want to “stunt” it?

ha ha nice one ^^^^

like i said before… pics look nice but those guys are all just asking for it… loose fitting jeans,shorts (big lol), no gloves, jackets etc

I wish you all could meet the kid that rides that bike too. It’s just as funny to pic on him in person. He is indeed flexing like a fag and that 12’ o clock bar sees ZERO use, he can’t even stunt. Although I must say, there was no unnecessary revving going on.

My personal opinion on gear…Yah it gets hot in the summer, so for cruising around the city you won’t see me wearing my jacket. But a 20+ mile stretch on the highway, better believe you should have gear on. And I always wear gloves. Shorts are a huge no go. It suprised me he was wearing shorts/no gloves because he’s a good friend of mine and he always wears his gear.

More 1st pic hilarity. His bike is painted with blue glitter.


i’d love to ride with those guys, and watch them quickly fall behind when the turns start coming.

I’d love for you to ride with them and let me get shots of those awesome cornering abilities. Maybe some weekend I’ll make my way to the buffalo area for some shots, thats where most of you are from correct?

I’m with BPGT.

yea we are all in the buffalo area. id love for someone to get pics/vids of us in the twisties :slight_smile:

In for pics :tup:

:tdown: to no pics of them doing jumps.

nice photos, horrible dudes.

<<Count this brother in for pics!

Great pictures Dustin…Definitely need to make your way up here sometime :slight_smile:

Like Dustin said those guys don’t think about the consequences of it and think that nothing can ever go wrong. It’s going to take them laying their bike down to realize anything :tdown:


I DUNNO MAN…even on the hottest days my jacket actually kept me cool with all the vents open in right places

^^In the city? Where your only getting up to 35-40 mph if your lucky…A leather jacket will have you roasting in 80+ degree weather. Now mesh jackets are another story as they can have a ton of ventilation. But my perforated leather jacket is hotter than hell on a summer day.

As far as pictures go, I would be extremely interested to come out and shoot. But obviously being that it’s like a 3-4 hour drive for me, it would have to be a large group of riders and probably an all day thing.

i’m down for pics too, i’m sure we could get a good sized group together easily

I’m with you, short trip around town or to work where I’m going 8 miles and under 40mph I’m not wearing a leather jacket when it’s 80+. They’re clearly on highways at highway speeds, just dumb.