Pics from Audi meet this weekend. 56k go to lunch.

Here are a bunch of pics from the Audi meet we went to this weekend. Turnout was decent and the weather was nice. We met up in Armonk, NY and ended up cruising to Todd’s Point, CT (very nice place). Only got one ticket too :).


Baller! It was a good low key time!

All that VAG!!!

Pretty. :slight_smile:

I still can’t get over how good those wheels look on your car.

This gets me excited for the CA-VA cruise.

fuck ca-va bunch of upsight dicks (more than half of them)
the question is are u euro enough for them . how to become euro enough
step 1
1 buy old rust coverd vw
step 2
put small wheels on it
step 3
keep it stock or better yet find some thing stupid from europe that didnt come on the car like floor mats

now your euro so act like a dick and dont do any performance mods
nothing shiney because thats played out but then nothing flat black because now thats played out and if you color match anything your so a ricer . so keep to the script and if every things stock u will be euro. Not like anyone els but the same as everyone els . what happend to the x love of my life vw sceane :frowning:
o.p. to be more like everyother guy u can do a vr6 swap but no mods

your car = secks

Damn what was the ticket for

Dude easy seriously, i dont give a fuck what anyone thinks of my car i dont what i think looks good. Jeremy take it easy man.

To the OP looked like it was a good time.

I’m a girl, pretty much anything I do to my car is going to be laughed at, or accepted because I’m a girl and I don’t know any better. :lol

Like crashing it?



I’m a girl, so I’m excused.

Color matching headlights could go either way.

Lmao he gets the gayest tickets

i have color matched headlights well Smoked E-codes and i have been made fun of but you know what FUCK THE HATERS! and the light output is 100x better then NA headlights

im not about u im talking to the general public about ca-va sorry if u took it that way. i used to be happy to go to ca-va untill all the b.s. it was a shitty day when i relized the scean has changed to this b.s. it is now. i just hope other people dont try and fit in there club and make them selfs a faceless euro cookie cuter or like me waist all that time giving props and geting more people join just for the hopes to make a name for my self in a club of cars i love. then find out you can never be welcome a big waste of 4 years. this is why i like shift518 no ones copying anyone and everyone is differnt and thats a good thing .

sick cars… wish mine was done in time to go

Nick!!! Where was my invite, or was this VAG onry?

Looks sick!! Mind going with me to check out some B5 S4’s for a daily? I know they are maintenance nightmares and i dont want a lemon.

Just pay nick to be your personal mechanic

bro when u turn your back there all haters ! some just smile . sit at there gtg u will see they talk shit about everyone in the club when they when they leave but when there siting at a table it is differnt

This is what i was thinking.