Pics from Cherry Valley GoKarts 10/17

I don’t want to discourage people from going to GPNY because it’s an excellent opportunity to do low budget racing in a controlled environment, which I am always down for.

However, that being said, I am also cheap as hell and have limited time to dedicate to leisure stuff. So- since CVMP costs less, is just as close, and has a more friendly environment (not to mention you can have the run of the place instead of being told WHEN to run and with WHAT GROUP)… It just wins on almost every count. And that’s before you factor in the added challenge of the speeds that come with being outdoors.

As for GPNY, it is more professionally run and the karts are in better condition and probably with less variance / technical issues… If I had more weekends in the year to dedicate to racing, yeah you might see me indoors in the cold

But unfortunately that’s not the case so I’ll just wait for the ice to thaw, put on the gloves, and head outdoors again in the Spring. I know who to call…

Last (and best) reason I’ll be at CVMP - ‘cause I’ll be runnin’ my own $hit… And that’s REAL.