1st this ass started doing donuts in the crowded parking lot at 9:30 pm in a blk acura tried getting pics of his plate
this kid (gold caddy front wheel drive) o F**K he raced across the parking lot trying to throw his car sideways then raced in to the MC Donald’s lot and comes (((3"))) from taking out the drive Thure monitor he had to go in reverse because he was over the curb then again and again raced in and out of the parking lots
this one what can i say NE NE nnnneeeee neeeeee the sound of this can trying to do burn out threw the parking lot a ton of times the black gas door and hood is sweet
o my god it only gets better :eek this guy was ok until he left . it had all it could do to try to do a burn out in water leaving . it was def a 19 sec car
now i have to give props to the sane people at the lot with nice cars
didn’t know what this was but liked it
always love this car
o you know this man ? he was caught masterbating in his car :haha J/k
i agree with Shawn 100% and i drive a neon. the economy is so bad these ass clowns cant even afford to completely cover there shit car with aerosol cans :crackup neon’s like this make me just wanna get rid of mine so I’m not even compared with these :gay