pics/video from snow drifting my truck friday

And some video:


and this deserves its own thread

my Jeep pwns j00

haha that first pic looks cool man

Yeah it does… wish it was closer though.

And people wonder why I got stuck in that lot. :lol:

Looks good Mike.

Mike (C. not D.) - saw you in Webster like a week ago.

lol. nice pics, hows your company been doing? any parties lately?

Nice ass truck! I’ve been messing around a lil bit, but you deffinitly look to be able to have more fun with that beast!

lolz nice…i wish i had a truck to scoot arnd in:(

love the sound of diesels

tm i expect hd from you.:picard:

I still don’t forgive you for that. :roflpicard:


I got stuck AGAIN the other night when I was there with Mike/Brad etc. Not as hilarious though Brent.

looks sick , truck is sick, but I am not a fan of the decal on the side… it would be so clean with out it … post more pics

i’ve seen threads started for a lot less.

nice truck dude.

thanks everyone… had a blast…snapped a tow strap and damaged up the truck a bit last saturday, but insurance is covering it… (story is here:

That’s where I hide :slight_smile: My shop is over on gravel road.

Doing good man… got more work than I can handle so I’m hiring some interns to help out. Working with rochesterhotspot to plan a party on valentines day downtown, but thats about it. We have our yearly open house party which is a good time for sure. That’ll be in July.

Yeah we frown up bringing out the $5K HD camera on nights like that haha. Video was from a P&S sony haha

this was a fun night… the sound of your truck even at idle is amazing… the turbo just sings…

drifting the loop in mike’s M5 wasn’t so horrible either.

I was standing there and thinking to myself oh wow where’s the jet thats taking off? Then I realized it was the truck lol…