Picture help

lol that would be retarded awesome.

How fitting, a TDI and the TDI Wizard!

i’ll wear a hat and bring a wand.



When are you going to be a Viper Wizard?

Supra Wizard

ZOMG that picture is priceless! I was looking for that the other day as soon as I thought about looking at this thing! :rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl

Dude, get the hat and wand, we are doing this!

god that picture makes me LOL every damn time.

thats what happens when i get bored mid week at home with photoshop

we need to get that on like a bumper sticker…

This car serviced by: http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y20/1flossedm3/wizardWAYNE.jpg


Thanks man! I’m really not as goofy and retarded as I seem on here, don’t worry :rofl

I have a couple in mind myself.

Any news on this? PM meeee if so. Please :slight_smile:

yes there was no shoot … tech issues

Ohhh. Well let me know about the next try, I’m getting a couple lenses I’d like to test out!

What the F happened, Wayne? I almost slit my wrists I was so depressed…PM me if you want.

Fucking car swallowed a PCM as best as I can tell. Ordered one yesterday hopefully it’ll be here today / tomorrow and we can get back on track.

You think you were depressed, i had Bakerian over to detail it all up and go to pull it out and it won’t fucking start.

God damn Neons.

I should have more free time next month, I’m sure all 3 of us will figure out a day.

Back on track now. Cars running (god only knows for how long, it’s a Dodge) great just waiting on a detail!!