picture locations?

Dont fall off?

Who cares, what do you think is going to happen to you? Its not Compton you know.

Ur right I guess, Skinny white boys dont fare to good in the hood, lol

↑ If you go there thinking something is going to happen then maybe it will. Stop being so scared and explore the city, I used to skate in the ghetto everyday, back in the day.

go to normal, fargo, or 17th on the west side some good spots for pictures :tup:

if you live on the other side of buffalo theres a lot of good spots off of delavan

Well, ok I dont really know the city, mood point though, we went to amherst, lol

Ahahah, very good spots :heart:

Ohio St. is not hood, I have taken pics there many times.

if you guys wanna go there for pics let me know i will escort you down

no flash, slower shutter speed and you’ll get some good ones. just get a tripod

Damnit I’m the only one outta all of us who were gonna go that isn’t afraid of the hood. I worked downtown, and often times my friends and I randomly drive thru down there because we like exploring the city. I want to get some pics on that fucking bridge, It’s such a fucking badass picture place.

and some other weekend we need to hit up that street next to the HSBC arena, with the rabbit graffiti on the wall. Needs to be during the day though.

Pussy, lol

Lol, naw I mean you can only get good pics next to the HSBC during the day because of the low lighting at night on the street lol.

I’d LOVE to get some night pics on ohio street :slight_smile:

Ohio street is only slightly sketch when you go down there to meet a guy to pick up $2000 cash for the Mercedes you sold him, at an abandoned warehouse, on a foggy December day. Other than that, good pic location.

everyone here acts like the city is all ghetto unless you are going downtown

if you go into some “bad” neighborhoods you’re not gonna get shot because you are white

I have friends that live on both the east side and the west side. Keep to youself, don’t yell at people. Jesus christ I grew up in Hamburg and I’m welcomed into the West side as if I’m any other.

I was lost as about lost gets in the fruit belt and I yelled out to the most gangster lookin motherfucker I’d ever seen and I think just the fact that I had the balls to ask him which way was what he was cool as hell with me and gave me directions. People are people, they usually wont fuck with you if you don’t give them a reason to. :tup:


people get killed because coke deals that went bad or people robbing people for crack or heroin

if you drive a cobalt or gti into the hood ur not gonna get shot because you have a “sweet” car

:no offense:

I know my car isn’t sweet, It’s okay lol, I’d rather rock your 5.0 :wink:

it is for sale/trade…

If only that BMW wasn’t sitting in the garage… :slight_smile: