Looking for places to take good pics

Of a car. Friends need some pics taken so were looking for a good place to go with a nice backround.

More of the industrial look.

will be in the transit and broadway area. so the city works and anything in like a 25-min drive workds.


take a drive in the city by the waterfront… many good spots

Just explore DT and south of the city. Plenty of industrial crap around.

What kind of car is it?

its miss prixx’s grand prix

we reall dont have time to just drive around because were both on a tight schedule. thats why i was hoping for some ppl to post up some good spots so we can go right there

undenearth the skywway by where the peir bar was… i have taken a bunch of pictures there… it can be very industrial or calm if you look at the water… you can also get the buffalo “skyline” in the picture, or drive around on tift, and there is the cement mixers/ junkyard entrance…

thanks man

not really “industrial” but on the side road next to the old M&T on braodway in lancaster. I have a bunch of good shots from that area

thats alot closer for me. might have to check that out

looking for graffiti

Our little photojaunt downtown - Illinois and Ohio Streets

private forum?

think of something cooler than “abandoned building” or “old loading docks” look, so played out.

well you could go to the rail road bridge by walden and central, there are some rocks obv to get up there but a couple of nice throw ups there… so i hear:snky::snky: but if you want semi good graffiti shots your going to have to go dt pm me if you wanna know where