any good photoshoot spots downtown / gta north area?


Distillery District or parking lot of The Docks.

Humber bay park (lakeshore & Parklawn) Go all the way out to the end of the park close to the little light house, you could get some nice pics with the whole lake in the back round or the whole down town toronto.

I also like using the the airport (but you have to know the right area) I got some pictures of my car right beside airplanes! You just have to know where to go.

I also like to use old idustrial areas with industrial factories for that underground look.

You just have to get creative and you could get some nice pictures, I also like to use black and white film, they come out looking great too. If you want to try black and white just make sure the sun is always behind you otherwise they will come out hazy.

^^^ Post the pictures, I wanna see.

I have everything on film :frowning: I can show them to you if you want but unless I get a scanner I can’t post them. You really got to see the ones at the airport they were the best. The only thing that divides my car and the airplanes is a small little wire fence, it almost looks like my car is parked next to the airplane. I got some shots of my car with an Airbus A-340 and some other big planes.

…Yeah I really should get a digital camera one of these days.

get that sh*t scanned

Theres a 8 level parking garage at the foot of York Street at Queens Quay. It has an open air top level that no one, and i mean NO ONE uses. You can have the entire skyline of Tornoto as your backdrop. Just the other week I saw a bonehead taking pictures of his Chevy Cobalt up there. fyi, unless you have some spotlights handy take your pictures before dark as they don’t bother turning the rooftop lights on. If you wind up going maybe I’ll join you. Lemme know as I live just up the street.

lots of good spots out centennial hill way in Etob. At least thier used to be lots…

lots of nice roads up north now
the pic on the banner was taken in aurora, tons of great spots here