I have the type x side skirts and i have some type of aftermarket rear peices…i know the type x is supposed to have a middle peice for the rear but people told me i need to change the whole bumper if i want to third peice…i dont know if this is true or not does anyone know for sure?
and as for the front peice im jsut going bings i dont really likethe 180sx front bumper plus it is like 1000$ and rare to even find…anyways i was wondeing is you guys have pictures of a TYPE X in silver i jsut want to get an idea of what my car will look like…i haver searched on the net but i cant find much…if anyone knows my rear bumper question plese let me know…im not really in a huge rush but my cars being painted in like march…so i jsut wanna get all the peices i will need… :lol: anyways on with the pictures… :twisted: