Hey guys after seeing a bunch of guys saying they wanted a type x bumper I looked into it if I can get 15 or more people I will make a fiberglass one the price would be about 350.00 pick up at my shop.
if there is enough intrest ill do a group buy at the end of the group buy I would require payment from everyone before I start and it would be aprox 2 weeks or so from the end date of the group buy the price is in cad and is aprox but will not be more the that if anything it may be less it would also not be a son only buy so if you know people or other fourms and want on pass the word.
Thanks Mael
Sounds like a good idea but
can you please add some . . . . that was really confusing to read
interested! is this like tha same as oem? and hows tha fitment goin to be. if its all nice den im in for sure!
also i was wondering about tha side pieces.
Hey benson
ya sorry it is confusing so long and short
if 15+ people are in it make them
once enough people are on the list ill take payment
once payment is made it will take aprox 2 weeks ish to have them ready
and pick up at shop or shipping is extra
this would not be a son only thing like other stuff I have done so please pass the word to other fourms ect.
I think that about covers it
side skirts can be done heck full kits can be done so long as I have 15+ people who are willing to pay for them so basicly Im more then happy to get things made custom or otherwise but this I need 15+ people intrested in each part
anyquestions feel free to call or email me at
im working on my web site so its not up yet sorry
Thanks Mael
oh and yes the mold will be made from the oem part so fitment should be great.
i think he means the piece for the front fender, where chuki fenders kinda roll in normally. zenki n koukis have a piece added on that kinks out.
im interested
well… how much is it for a new oem kouki bumper? n how much is it for a used one anyway?
anybody know?
im interested
i’m interested
btw im pretty down for it too
JDM-P quote me for 450 bucks for a used one… :? not sure if tha side pieces are included too.
will u make oem silvia s13 aero front bumper as well? that would be gangstar!
Hey man
I will make almost anything if its cool and their is intrest body kits I just need enough intrest in the piece to justify the cost of buying the part and making the mold ect
once I have my website up you will be able to see some of the custom and one offs i have done
ALSO buy my count thats 6 people so far not to bad for a one day old post lol half way there.
Thanks guys Mael
well… how much is it for a new oem kouki bumper? n how much is it for a used one anyway?
anybody know?
I got mine new oem for $350US + shipping and $130US for the front side pieces. Not that bad really for factory pieces. WAY better fitment then ANY fiberglass ones you’ll find. I went with oem so it would last more than one summer :lol: But it’s cool that someone is going to reproduce it! It’s about time someone on here did.
c’mon ppl sign up iwant this bumper!!!..lol
hmmm… i think making a list would be clearer! ill start!
- larree
- nikkimiao128
- uprise240
- Alex
there! jus add your names!
and i jus added tha people who said that they are interested.
for me… maybe
Hey man thanks for starting that list
also if I can get the side pieces im thinking I can do those too with out changing the price much if at all ill keep you guys posted just thought that may sweetn the deal abit lol
last but not least if this happens ill need half the money(non refundable if you back out I cant aford it lol) for it as soon as posable once it becomes official but it will be closer to about a month to have them all made hence its now only half down.
Thanks Mael