Pictures from a local car show this weekend: 20+

Here are some pics from a local car show I went to this weekend. Some pretty neat cars.

I saw this sitting in the lot up here recently. I am a big fan of these.

My buddies new 07’ 3-series.

teh slow

the wheels on that black truck are wider than a retard’s forehead, goddamn!

kit car or not this is epic win

yea, i was goin’ to ask if thats a real one or not

No. It’s a kit car.

how do you tell them apart?

I am not 100% sure. The owner of the car told me it was a kit car though.

high 12’s stock is slow?

B/C a real one is worth WELL over $1mill, and you probably will never see one outside of a museum or a garage lol.

I saw that Cobra at Guptills last year. It needs some sort of grille.

Arent the kit cars generally made of fiberglass too? Or is that just an old wisetail I’ve heard?

Werent the real ones fiberglass too though?

I dunno Im not hip to the old school cobra scene.

Im not either. Theres always a silver one next to my work though

I heard they were Aluminum.

i remember most of those cars from the show at guptil’s last year. i love that old black truck

Maybe thats what it is, the aluminum is a kit an fiber is real.

The 3rd pic down, what kind of Corvette is that? That things sick looking

C3, i believe