Stopped by with the wife and daughter to snap a few pictures. Didn’t realize I was on the wrong focus mode until shortly before we left so they aren’t too great. Using a slower shutter to blur the background because I’m not a fan of racing pictures that make it seem like the car is parked because everything is in focus. Really should have brought my tripod but knew we weren’t going to stay long with the baby in the cold. These are straight from the camera, re-sized by photosuckit. If anyone wants the original 3008x2000 res pics PM me an email address and the filename.
None of me Ah well, thanks for taking pictures anyway! The one of Cory spinning and knocking those cones is perfect. And I see my business logo on his car! Yay sponsoring.
Didn’t want to make a new thread, but here are the pictures from my camera. Tried to get just about everyone, not sure if I did though. Also I really need a telephoto lens