Piece of shit apple

So yesterday/last night I was messing around with my phone, browsing the internet (completely up to date, non jailbroken).

Out of nowhere it just locks up on me… totally unresponsive. I was forced to manually reboot the thing, which worked… but now it wont go past the apple logo. I figured that it needed a little extra time to boot up, so I set it down and waited.

I ended up falling a sleep and woke up this moring to a dead phone… the battery totally drained.

I put it on the charger for a little while, which brought the apple logo back up and it’s just sitting there. The phone is red hot too. fucking piece of shit

oh great… and the best part of all? iphoto still see’s the phone when I plug it in, but can’t get the stupid thing into recovery mode… fucking great. Anyone want to buy an expensive paperweight?

i feel your pain on this…

…but I’m trying real hard not to laugh

:grouphug: :grouphug:

shouldnt the warranty cover it?

apple sucks

I don’t know if it’s still covered or not (first generation)

I’ll try going to the apple store later

Time to go see a shepherd of the flock at the sheep farm.

AKA, a genius at the iStore.

This is the time where DFU mode is a live saver since you can get it into the mode without having it boot.

If you sell it cheap, let me know :slight_smile:

Get a windows mobile phone :lol:

If you wanna give me the phone for the day, i might be able to get into it and restore it.


Did you install the 2.1 update?

There is a 1 year warranty on it, so it should be under warranty. The normally just give you a new one as long as you sound like you know what youre doing.

2.1 isnt out till friday

Aww, WTF!

Jobs made me believe it was out at 2PMEST…

(I sold my ipod touch two days ago, so i dont know)

And iTunes 8 wasnt out until 2:30ish…

$50 if you really don’t want it anymore :stuck_out_tongue:

yea really if boxxa doesnt want it if something is really wrong ill take it

Its been sent to developers for the last month but as far as I know, it doesn’t come out till Friday.

yea it will be out friday unless somehting happens, and if you have a itouch its $10 to upgrade

Its only 10 if you are running a 1.X firmware. If you are running 2.0 or greater already its free AFAIK

Steve, if its seen by your computer chances are you can somehow recover it. Don’t sell it just yet. I can toy with it and try to fix it for you.

:lol: Another iphone hacker’s phone bites the dust.

Sorry Steve, couldn’t resist.

lol well called into work to tell them I’d be late.

Finally got it into recovery mode (took nearly 10 tries before it worked) and got it restored. How effing odd… it was out of nowhere that it happened.

The phone was literally hot enough to cook eggs on. Everything seems to be running fine now, albeit a little slow. I wonder if any of the hardware inside shit the bed