Ping, tick, slap

Three different noises, three very different issues.

I’ve never heard a slap. Explain please. Sound emanating from block? Head?

Not, Fucking, Good

Piston slap = :picard:

Answer: Sherm vs JnJ? lol.

Who makes the car payments?

i’ve heard slap… most notable difference i think is actually “seeing” slap though :lol:

it sounded sort of like pinging, but the motor bucks pretty hard

what in the hell, howie

i have no idea what’s going on here

Real question…

VR4 or S2000?

i was gonna ask that next. but seriously, can you rephrase this in the form of a question? I’m trying. I really am. I think we all are


^lol wow…but thats not cool howie…vr4 or s2000? :frowning:

are you guys seriously asking that question?!

Lets see:

DSM broken, or Honda broken?

this question answers itself

Neither. Just wondering - was sitting next to an old crown vic taxi and I heard a strange “tick” with some bad bearings on one of the pulleys…

request to merge with most Chevrolet/Ford/Toyota truck thread