pinks last night

anyone watch?

that stupid whiney slut at the end was saying i hope you feel good for taking a girl’s car… stfu whore. you raced, you lost, deal with it

what were the cars? every time ive seen that show in the past week its been the mustang battle at Gateway

2 mustangs

It seems to be thats all they race on there anymore.

yupo whiny bitch



she sounded like chad & his stang!

Its because mustangs are cheap to build, and no one cares if they lose one because there are like 5 bazillion fox body mustangs left in the world, and they are a dime a dozen. I think fox body mustangs breed in the junk yards and make more fox body mustangs

i dont make excuses. i could give 2 fucks.

Pic of slut?

sounds like the girl Quik raced at thunder in the burgh.
Are all women who like cars sore losers?

see bold ^^

Was it the fat blonde chick who’s belly was almost touching the steering wheel???

ha. no… saw that one though…


here is her site

i wouldnt hit it with my sub