Slingbox to watch at work!
it’s showing on dish they’re airing it tonight
allow me to introduce yourself :kekegay:
i know… and it scares me. if its on tonight I will be upset
the commercials show a truck tho…so i dunno, either way they will run it next week also they run the week before at 9 and the new one at 9:30
yah it shows a white truck and a old camaro.
tonight it is bitches
can’t wait…to see burnyd get his ass kicked
genna and i will be there
i’ve seen quik punch the steering wheel like 20 times sitting here waiting for it to come on
John, mr. photogenic lol. I love watching the car go ripping by. It cracks me up everytime.
OH Whitey… what did you say to the lady to flip you off??? haha Awesome…
i watched pinks, I think it sucked. And your boy quick really made it suck. Was suppose to be the pittsburgh man and he made himself look like a dick. Bunch of kids
And i know as soon as all the goons comeback from munchin on some wings and cleaning there mouths from the cum they all drank. This is gonna be a big bash fest. But what im saying is ur on live tv. And your flipping out hitting the wheel and roof. What the hell kind of jackass does that. And your fat boy in the lane yelling ?? You need to calm the fuk down. Race and shut up
and i know no one is gonna agree with me cuz there afraid everyone is gonna cut up on them. So i dont give a shit. If your to buzy sucking cock on this site then your fucked up.
any who, despite what that jackass said, i thought it was a great showing on all levels. from all of the hard work, the determination, great racing, and of course the great shit talking.
good job guys!
ummmm…I don’t know about all your dick sucking comments but my review would be,
GOOD JOB PITTSPEED on the win! …and yes quik looked like a fool on tv smacking his arms like a 12 year old. Looks like he buckles under stress pretty fast, …if we went to war - Quick would be the Water Boy.
Ok thats all i was lookin for
Now Good job pittspeed. Glad to see pittsburgh get on the tv and Premote local shops.