PINKS SHOW 10/18/06

nice pittsburghese gentlemen… congrats

Like the show can care less what other people say good job everyone who worked and did there part on the car.

good work guys, good job on the win, and Quik that was one hell of a reaction the second run, damn. go Pittspeed!

i just watched it on my dvr, good job. and whitey, that is funny as hell when the lady flicks you off… i love how the showed pewter jumping on the car again in the celebration clip, that was awesome

can I ask are you guys gonna atleast get the POS mustang to run descent before u sell it

You guys rock!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

well now, this got interesting

i didnt see the show tonight… got down to the tavern at 10 when it was over!! so pissed about that but oh well, i’ll catch it later sometime i hope or just buy it if they have that episode for sale.

but racing cars for pinks like this is one stressful competitive event… everyone wants to win…but someone has to lose. and i’d do what it takes to win and if i messed up, i’d be pissed at myself and i would show it. aint nothing wrong with that. thats a hell of a position to be in and if you werent there you dont really have room to talk about someones actions… but i havent seen the episode so i really cant make full judgemental comments on the situation…so i’ll sit down till i do see it:itr41:

you laugh like your someone youself

Good job guys…

at first i didnt know it was for charity. So another good thing came out of the show. They do that all the time or just on the pittspeed show??

It was the Pittspeed team’s idea to do it for charity. Both cars are going to be auctioned off.

who the hell is this cheesepuff^^^^…ummmmmmmm your lame, the show was awesome and maybe if you thought about it alittle you would realize that it was a competition and Quik and the others wanted to bring home the other car and not loose cause of a bad fuse ( or whatever ) SO dumb dick maybe it got alittle stressful???


wow your sad and bitter… can I sense some jealousy?

100 man hours??? Theres alot more than that… Not only man hours but the money we all including myself had into that car… me I didnt have much but guys like domination jeff at first try Pewter at jj’s. You are criticizing something you have no fucking clue about. Everything that went into that car you have no idea. Next time you have something bad to say about it bring it to pittmotorsports you fag. GTFO!

how about that damn drunk dude outside the bar before we all went in…wtf?

all that plus now i represent the whole fucking website as the driver for the show and i wasnt going to lose the car cause of a fucking fuse box. so as you can they. they basiclaly shut off my mic cause every othe word out my mouth that day was fuck fuck fuck fuck, this team member fuck fuck and more fucks. as you seen once that shit got straight i was legit. how would you feel if the whole website and team put the load on your shoulders? all thta plus my sugar issue. i didnt eat all day that day and ppl that know me very close know im a person who needs to eat or i get really fucked up.

there is no need to even explain, if you were not there. you have no clue what it was like.

that might have been the most stressful moment i have ever expererienced. People were booing and screaming at us. No one had any sleep cause we were up from the night before, people were hungry, it was hot as hell that day, we just drove 4 hours to get to the place and have them tell us the other team backed out. the nitrous bottle exploded… and then to get to the line and the car not start. man what a day!

exactly!! that goes out to all the haters who have no idea