PINKS SHOW 10/18/06

someone try this and see what it is. second vid down.


The 2nd video, the 9th, the 10th, and the 16th. Nice!

watched that second race when they said you jumped early…that was a perfect reaction time!!

its Quik would you expect anything else???

naw but its clear he was dead on! how was tehre any question?

Alright, who was the guy who told the other guy to not put his finger in his face, and who’s the guy that broke the windshield??

Good shit though, thought there was going to be a brawl or somethin

finger guy was Quik, windshield guy was Pewter. He didn’t try to break the windshield, he just dove on the hood in a show of joy, but had a little too much… ummmm… “momentum”.


hahahahahha for momentum…



I gotta hand it to Quik for not throwing fists at that guy though.

Good show…congrats to all involved…only thing I didnt like was the lack of competition…but you cant help that. All in all total sweetness

so why didnt we run the S10 again? what was he running, it didnt show the motor in the vid

I beleive the truck was gonna be the second race for the car…but the windshield was broke so they wouldn’t let it run.???

thats not why,they ran out of time!

quik was going to wear my full face helmet!

spangler dragged me out of the picture thats why you see me in the back saying im not giving that amount or somethin glike that

flat tire and the windshield but i had a face shield but they also didnt have time