Pirates vs ninjas?

you must wait till the end


hahaha, omg. Thats wasn’t real at the end was it?? lol

no idea but i love the music

that was hilarious

That is awesome

Those ppl were so affended by it, haha

Lol was that shit for real

arrrrrrrr is not a word

its because im black isnt it

LMFAO, saw this vid awhile back. thought i was retarded…till the end!

^shut your whore ish mouth

So thats fair:rofl

yo CensoredCensoredCensoredCensoredCensored! I gotz teh strep throught, prob got it from laura …lmao

wtf is the censored shit??

You got strep?? ^^

And you prolly said CensoredCensoredCensoredCensoredCensoredCensored-ish type shit lol

WTF, we cant say N A G G E R??

HAha, loophole^^

nice, I gotta find something to keep my busy. I’m so bored.

Im swingin down to Nicks shop in like 30 mins if u wanna go. Pulling the S4 motor…

hmmm, maybe. I just cant really be runnin around ya know. I’d like to swing by

pirates + ninjas are cool…staying on topic, lol