Pisses me off when i'm right..

and someone tells me i’m wrong, like my math teacher.
We were doing some kinda formula to figure your chance of an accident compared to your BAC,
The answer, well what she got was if your BAC was 11% you’d have a 25% chance of getting in an accident.

I told her if you have a BAC of 11% you’d be dead, and she’s like NO the legal limit is 8%. I tried to inform her that the legal limit is .08%. NOT 8%
She refused to say shes wrong and said, nope… if your blood is 11% alchohal you only have a 25% chance of crashing.
GOD, I feel like my teacher was a Verizon wireless service rep.

SO the real answer should have been if your BAC is .11% you will have a %25 chance of crashing.


depends on the tune

What math are you taking? Who’s the teacher?

If anyone was still alive after a 11%, let alone drive they would be all that is man.

If anyone was alive after 1% they would be all that is man.

The driver who killed princess Di had a bac of .41
I guess a human shouldn’t be able to live after .45

shoot i cant even walk at like .12%

Lucky for you it doesn’t happen often.

Yah, he must not drink that much then. :thankyou:

shit…who gave me that title.

Wow… right over his head. :lol:

hahahahahaha sweeet title

No shit sherlock, but I had no other comeback to your smart assed remark.

On quite the roll lately. :lol:


I hate when women fight with me about something they are wrong on. Its a lose/lose everytime.



Guess you didnt’ see my post after… I did it on purpose:hay:

Math teachers always refuse to admit that they are wrong…I think they learn it in college.

about time

back on topic, if it really matters to you that much (it shouldn’t), then bring in some literature stating that .08 is the legal limit (which will allow everyone to see how fucking jacked and tan you are). at this point you will experience the satisfaction of being correct (awesome) and all your classmates will also think you are king shit as well (or just a toolbox)