Pitcairn Police don't like my neons!

Last week I was in Pitcairn around 1am and got pulled over. Officer approached my car [the revived g20, half in primer, lowered on 16’s, stock exhaust]. As he approached he was very “by-the-book”, and so was I- both hands on the wheel dome lights and map lights on. Officer Hallaway [badge 1435] stated, “you know you can’t drive around with your neons on like that.” I replied, “Officer, I don’t have neons”, and he said “yes… you do.” I continued to argue that I do not have neons [just because I’m young and asian in a modified sport compact, doesnt mean my car is rice]. When he said I did in fact have neons and that they were yellow, I understood he mistake my fog lights as neons. When I said he must have mistaken my fog lights as neons, he gave me a dumb look and defended his act of pulling me over, “Well, you rolled through a stop sign.”

He asked for my license and registration. I told him my license was in my wallet in my back pocket and my registration was in the glove box. I wanted to be polite and let him know exactly what I was doing. I have met a good amount of police officers and they have all told me, their biggest concern is their safety during a traffic stop. I gave him my documents and he went to his car. Another officer pulled up behind him, they talked awhile and about 10min later he returned with my copy of a citation for violating PA UC Statute sec. 3323 sub sec. B. [Duties at stop signs]. $108.00.

Talk about some bull. I drive through this part of Pitcairn all the time, by Sugar Camp. There is 3 signs, and cops are always there, so I ALWAYS make a conscience effort to completely stop. I know with 100% certainty that I did, in fact, stop. Further more, at the distance he would have needed to be at to view my fog lights as neons, there is no way he could determine if I had come to a complete stop. Being straight behind me, he would have to have some superhuman depth perception. Now If he would have said I completely blew through it, then fine, but he said I rolled through, meaning I at least slowed down.

Anyone have any tips to help me fight this. I plan on going out and taking pictures of the car from behind at different distances to prove my point. Im just pissed.

Heres your first problem. Its pitcairn aka shitcairn. they probably pulled you over for your safety. A young asian boy like yourself in that gangsta ass wannabe town.They were probably just wondering what the hell you were doing down there. I would fight it. Good luck :slight_smile:

i agree. i’m in the area quite often and yep, its shit… i can talk to their new chief Palermo about your issue but i’m not sure if i can help. the problem is that you have yellow fogs(factory on that car?) and they mistook them for neons correct?

Definately fight the ticket Nick.

neon’s are :greddy:

I would fight it, due to the cops probably not going to show from pitcairn anyway.

You got served!

If the cop wasn’t close enough to tell if you had neons vs. fogs, how could he tell if you actually came to a complete stop?


Well apparently the cop walked up to his car and still thought they were neons… so I would say there is a possibility he was pretty close.

My uncle is a cop in Pitcairn and from what he tells me those guys put up with alot of shit. Now whether or not you did actually roll the stop sign I dont know… but id say if you didnt get any points (which I assume you didnt for just stop sign) id just pay it. It aint worth fighting it for $108 imo.

I have a friend who was a cop down there for alittle. He said it sucked big time down there. Almost every night they get a herion overdose call. Acouple died while he was there, most of the users are in theie late teens and early twenties. Always bad bar fights down there too. What a dump.

If I remember correctly, stops signs are 3 points.

  1. punch officer in face

  2. get arrested for punching officer in face

  3. ???

  4. Profit!!

and I bet that $108 fine will be the last of your worries after you do that!

you’re right

I’d definitley fight it, points or not. That’s $108 of your money that some douche is basically stealing from you (if you’re being 100% honest with your story).

asians are horrible drivers

Unfortunately it really dont matter if he is honest or not… all that matters is what the cop says, its his word against yours… who you think the judge is gonna believe 99.9% of the time?

As for the 3 points on the stop sign thing you are correct… I didnt realize that

“3323(b) failure to stop at a stop sign - 3 points”

That being said I would definitely go to court for it, they will probably drop the points and youll just have to pay the fine.

little asain rice boy got PWND!!!

At least he’s smart enough to spell correctly…

i will skull fuck u like none other