So Colonie's finest might be getting a love letter from me soon

So tonight my girlfriend and I went out to the fireworks at jumpin jacks on my boat with my family, and afterwords decided to stop at the lot to see if there was anything going on there. I’m on 155, probably about two hundred yards from the light on central (coming from Niskayuna), and I’m going about 40-45mph (not speeding), my system was at a low volume. Just sorta cruising, and a colonie police crown vic rips past me in the oncoming lane, and cranks a U-turn. About 50 feet later, he throws the lights on, car behind me pulls off, he drives around the car, and spotlights me, so I pull over.

Walks up to my window “why are your headlights yellow” (I have 35W DDM tuning 3000k HIDs in my low beams, they’ve been on the car since december).

Me: “The stock lowbeams on this car were really weak, and the yellow color lets you see really well. I don’t even notice the color anymore. And I think it looks nicer than blue does”

CP: “Come on, you have to have a better excuse than that, even just saying they look cool. They aren’t legal. They gotta either be normal headlights or LED (I think he meant HID, which mine are)”

Me: “I’ve had them since december, honestly this is the first I’ve ever had them mentioned”

CP (interrupting me): “really? I’ll bet you the ticket I’m writing right now you are gonna try and tell me your exhaust is legal too”

Me (sorta laughing at this point): “The exhaust is factory dude, I think its the original from 1997. You can look again and see”

CP: “it doesn’t look stock, its too shiny”

Me: “when I wash the car, I clean off the muffler so it doesn’t look grubby next to the clean car”

CP (seeming less smug now): “oh. You aren’t going to the kohl’s plaza, right?”

Me: “why?”

CP: “don’t go, we just kicked everyone out. We hate you guys, with all due respect” (that’s kinda like saying “go fuck yourself you piece of shit, with all due respect”)

Me: “what?”

CP: “every weekend, we get at least 3 calls about you guys doing burnouts and fights and stuff over there”

Me: “not all of us do that. I have some friends that go there, we get some McDonald’s and talk about cars and check out some of the cool cars that show up, and clean up when people leave. Its a decent way to spend an evening”

Girlfriend: “yeah, we kinda hate the people who do dumb shit like set off fire works too”

CP just walked back to his car at this point.

really, I think he was being a dick. Seriously, I’m greatful as fuck for not getting a ticket, but the comment about “hating you guys” was totally unwarranted and unprofessional. He is a police officer, a public servant paid by tax dollars. He isn’t supposed to express hatred for anyone or anything.

TL;DR: Colonie police pulled me over for my yellow headlights, gave me shit for my apparently illegal factory exhaust, told me they all hated all of us (meaning car enthusiasts), and then didn’t even leave me with a warning. I probably won’t be removing the HIDs.

What follows is the letter my girlfriend and I wrote, and are on the fence about sending. Might send anonymously. Bear with any spelling or punctuation issues, since it was written at 1am.

                             To whom it may concern,

Recently I was pulled over for my headlights being yellow. Although I do not deny this, and am sincerely grateful for not getting a ticket out of the situation, I feel like during the stop I was not treated with the “dignity, honor and respect” promised by the Colonie police department’s mission statement.

Upon being pulled over the officer asked me if I was headed over to the parking lot near the McDonald’s. After answering with an honest yes, the officer retorted with the statement “We hate you guys, will all due respect”.

I feel as though this sort of statement is unprofessional and uncalled for. Although the officer did use the words “with all due respect” there was nothing honorable, dignified or respectful about that statement.

I am not going to deny the fact that some of the people at that parking lot are looking to cause trouble. However, the vast majority of us are not. Most of us supply patronage to the McDonald’s business and while eating, go outside, discuss our cars and enjoy each other’s company. Generally, a good portion of us discard our waste using the proper receptacles, and after the lower parking lot has been cleared out, we even come back to clean up the mess.

With all of that in mind, it seems greatly undignified and disrespectful to for a police officer to tell someone that they are hated simply because they are headed to a location where a select few act in an unsavory manner. For those of us who truly are concerned citizens, who abide by the law, provide a business with a market, and even go so far as to help clean up the mess, this is discouraging. Why should we try to help clean up the mess and even sometimes try to discourage people from doing reckless activities (although we can only do so much, we don’t have the same authority as the police) if we are simply going to be unjustly lumped in with those people anyway?


A concerned citizen.

Good letter, but add to the first sentence (pulled over for your headlights being yellow or whatever)

Lol, we actually took that out to not incriminate, although I suppose they can’t ticket me retroactively, so back in it goes.

Seriously, its a stock honda accord with nothing done to it besides blackhoused headlights, amber corner lights, foglights that don’t work anymore, yellow HIDs, and factory alloys off an older accord. Half of what I mentioned would be written off as being stock by 90% of people.

I see cars that are WAY more illegal (limo tints, crazily loud, 55W HIDs, fucking neons, etc) not get bothered.

Send it. Doubt much will happen honestly, but its worth sending.

honestly, they will just read that and laugh

also, on a serious note…To the police, you fit right in to the “obnoxious crowd”

Im not saying you are by any means one of them, but to a police officer you have the same type of car that is always fucking around, loud exhaust etc. etc.

If you dont want to be harassed, get a muscle car. I cant tell you how many imports that are modded out I drive by a week that are pulled over and they dont even look at me when I go by…They just dont bother us.

Anyone else got any colonie being douchebags complaints to throw into a letter? Maybe it will get more notice if there are a few of them.

I don’t know if they will even read it. Whatever.

That’s just the thing though. I am not always fucking around, my car doesn’t have an exhaust on it, the stereo is loud (not that loud) but I turn the subs off at night unless I’m on the highway. All he saw me do was go the speed limit down 155 at 11:45 at night while driving a honda and being 19. Why should I have to get a different car? To be honest, I happen to like my accord a lot. I’m not just gonna suck it up and get another car. I believe this fits nicely within the definition of profiling, and they kinda aren’t supposed to do that.

dude really , cops dont know if your one of the asshole kids or not so why bother . when its true we hate all the lower lot faggs just suck it up . if your lights are illeagal they are illeagal . im glad ya clean your muffler to match the car but this is a waste of time it aint goin nowhere and is pointless , i go to the lot often and " KNOCk on wood " i have never been hassled and my car is loud, black tint , and i drive like a asshole . if ya look like a ricer and have illeagal mods , 9 times outta 10 your gonna get fucked with . take a stand take the pull over like a man , you were ridin dirty so to speek and got caught let it be

aftermarket lights have to be the first thing that any cop without shit for brains looks for. it’s common sense.

really though. There is nothing that warranted the “we hate you” statement. At all. That’s the big point I’m trying to make. Do you muscle car guys even understand how bad import enthusiasts get profiled? I have little interest in V8’s.

Also: I’ve read the law about headlights. Its not clear whether yellow is legal or not. Blue is clearly illegal, but yellow isn’t even mentioned.

its not inspectable soooooooo . do the math , we didnt ask for the stigma , other ricer FANBOIS GOT YA THE STIGMA SO YOUR JUST GONNA HAVE TO DEAL WITH IT NOW . BESIDES WHAT NOW COPS CANT SAY WE HATE SUTTIN . COME ON MAN THEY ARE HUMAN JUST AS WE ARE

I think the HID’s were on the car when it was inspected. Like I said, I’ve had them on there for a while. By the way, you sound like an illiterate moron in that post. Like it seriously didn’t even make any fucking sense. Not sure if you are drunk or high or fucking with me or not. Just saying.

EDIT: And while police officers may be human, while they are on the job they are held to a higher standard. Thus, telling someone that they hate them, without any knowledge of their character goes against that supposed standard of respect.

ok here we go … you have obv illeagal mods on your car , cop pulled you over for them said mean things to ya . get over it man , my god us muscle guys as ya call us dont get fucked with cause 95% Of the time it isnt us wreckin the lot it is imports doin , see where im goin with this ? it isnt the cops fault ya put illeagal hid,s in your car or whatnot he is doin his job get over it . is that easier to understand

yes, english is easier to understand, thank you. I would have been less annoyed with a polite traffic stop and a ticket to be honest. Fix-it tickets for this stuff aren’t expensive. Just the lack of respect is what got under my skin. Is that hard to get? It say dignity and respect on the side of his fucking car. I have reason to expect that.

yes it is , your makin a bigg deal cause the cop said he hated ricers . welll he didnt know you are one of the ok kids at first . then he let ya roll without a ticket when he found out you were normall . thats my point cops dont know who is a ass and who isnt at first

he didn’t say he hated ricers. He said “we hate you”. There’s a bit of a difference there. BTW, are you familiar with the concept of “innocent until proven guilty”?

Also, part of why I am making a big deal is that I need to fucking rant. Using the internet as an intellectual punching bag helps.

yeah thats the sayin , but anyone that has had a serious arrest knows its your guilty til proven innocent . orrrrrr it aint what ya did ,its what your lawyer gets ya down to . seriously let it go and im sure it was a ricer generalazation not a direct hit at ya

Trust me, I know that’s how the system works in reality. Its part of what annoys me about it. On paper, the system is not nearly as fucked as it is in real life, and that is really do to the fact the people are complacent and don’t bitch about being treated badly.

Actually, I just re-read the section of the vehicle and traffic law about lighting, and there is nothing mentioned at all about yellow light. Blue is a no-no, because that is reserved for emergency vehicles, but yellow isn’t even mentioned. It doesn’t even say the headlights have to be white, either. Now I remember reading this before I got the HIDs. I’ll print it out, and keep it in my car.

you were behind me before and your yellow joints are bright as FUCK, point them dow. they are blinding in all honesty

I had some heavy shit in the trunk for a while (subs, books, and tools), ass end was squatting a bit. Should be a little better now.

I have to re-aim them. When I first got them, the light pattern was a bit different before they fully broke in. Or it could be that the car sits differently on the snow tires. I’ll look at it again, it wasn’t bad at all when I put them in and aimed them.

btw yellow lights are only used in fog lights from the factory because they only give you better visibility in poor visibility situations such as heavy fog/rain/snow. when you are driving around in clear weather, 4300k (whitest light you can get) is gonna give you the best lighting. idk if you just told that to the cop to try to bullshit him as to why you have yellow low beams, but they aren’t helping you out driving around on a night like tonight, they are hurting you.

and send the letter, it’s better then not, even though they wont do anything about it cause he really didn’t do anything wrong, just like everyone else the cop has the freedom of speech, so he can tell u he hates u because u go to khol’s plaza, even if your politically correct self thinks it’s not professional.