Pitman Files: Cops Arrest 7-Year-Old Over 'Robbery' of $5 that kid didnt take

"Get ready for your “people be crazy” story of the day. A 7-year-old was handcuffed by police and charged with robbery over allegedly taking $5 from a classmate after school. Not crazy enough for you? Wilson Reyes was allegedly interrogated for 10 hours over the missing money before he was finally allowed to see his Mommy!

Yeah, that’s the part that really got to me too. I have a 7-year-old, and there’s no way on God’s green earth that I’d allow cops to sit her down and have a chat without me present.

The whole over-the-top incident comes out of the Bronx, where a kid apparently dropped $5 on the ground in front of some other little boys. One of them scooped it up, and Wilson got blamed (wrongly, it turned out)."

Why are you continuously posting two-month old news stories?

sorry everyone isnt as up to date as you.

back in the day as histoy tells it it used to take months and years to relay news. i am just posting this for the ones who didnt see this