Pitt Meet 3/29/08

its MARCH 29th guys!!! i cant figure out how to change the original title. saturday at 11.

oh wait no it changed

I’ll come if burnyd comes, but Im coming to make fun of toyotas and thats it

wont be there opening day at prp

yes. i changed it

Ok, but your still missin our point…PM TIME IS BETTER

nigt meets ftl. from a photographers point of view. pictures at night are annoying. plus ppl go out with their gf’s at night

Mind if I bring a few from our CarClub? Again for some it depends on weather.

This is true, or they bring them to the meet, and then drama starts, “this is boring I want to go home”, “can we leave this is lame” “Hey that car is hot…” …and so on…:doh:

Hey any room for two more people possible ive been lookn for a meet to well meet new people and check out cars

OK for a photographer maybe…But if your lookin to get more people PM time is FTW…Even if its an evening meet, 5-6ish…ITs still light out…

Mine should be all finished up. If its nice I might make the stop.

we will most likely be there till around 6ish. i got alot of catching u to do with some of the guys haha. i just got back from a meet that lasted from 12 to 1030. i am fucking BEAT

K1$L we got plenty of room for more people

I still dont get why its on a friday…

naahhhh, there this one kid who you will have material to make fun of my cars for the rest of my life for… this is the sole reason I am not going.

penis meeting?

Alright tigawoods thanks man ya ill try and get one of my buddys to come and will hopefully make a stop over there

asdlfkj!! its on saturday 3(march) 29(saturday) 2008(two thousand eight) haha

Didnt notice the change in date…Atleast the point got through

haha i was hoping