Pitt Waterfront Meet Vid+ more

yeah, nighttime isnt really my cameras forte (sp?) im just going to stick with day shots. my friend has a much better quality camera that might be better but i havent checked it out yet.

i think you did pretty descent with what you had there imo.


Beat90 and I stopped in D&B for like 5 minutes.

Yeah I saw you guys there and then you were gone as fast as you showed up.

they drive GTP’s, the have NO room to talk.

in all my years on celica boards I would never think I would see a gay celica video on pittspeed.

gay celica video…not ringing a bell

“weaksause…weaksause…, its covered in weaksause”


shut the fuck up and stop posting here. Faggot.

i hadnt planned on posting here again anyways because people like you just like to be a dick about everything, are you an admin? i dont think so, so what you said is preeetty much worthless

i cant wait to get rid of the gtpizzle