Pittspeed BBQ 2008

well then scratch that idea

ive got the people in monroeville…if you want this park.

just let me know.

I can a White Oak Park pavilion as a resident for $30. There’s no power hookups anywhere though, so generators would need to be brought if anyone needs them.

Plenty of room, baseball field, horseshoe pits, volleyball nets, etc.

Alcohol permit is $50 extra.

Let me know, guys.

i second that.

im pretty busy w/ fundrasiers right now…so im not sure I can be there, but Ill make my brownies again for ya.

I’m down with Jesse’s idea. I don’t want to see this fiddle out into nothing. Especially due to the lack of any good meets.

count me in

that sounds like a good idea

i am game. how much parking is there?

Jeff, if you mean White Oak, parking is free.

Let me know what you guys want to do. Nick, get a hold of me if you want me to set it up for White Oak park.

he said how much parking is there…

not “how much is parking there”

meaning how many spaces… enought to accomidate 50+ cars?

:doh: Can’t read.

Plenty of parking throughout the park. I can stop by tomorrow and get a number estimate.

once again i can buffalo chicken dip :smiley: just as long as its not next saturday

I can donate…and bring drinks

do it in white oAK i can… do something then

the pavilions getting taking care of, no need to pitch just bring drinks (no liquor), food, etc. Date will be posted tomorrow :bigthumb:

ps. its going to be in White Oak

awesome group sex is amazing…

oh yeah ill be there

I’ll post up all the details tomorrow, everyone.

Awesome stuff. Thanks guys!

heh, guess a MOD should have started the thread, but not like one cant edit my post.

Hopefully im off that day.

cough jesse its tomorrow and no post cough